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We’d like to personally invite you to our upcoming free Webinar – Getting your $10,000 Ads Grant from Google

What you will learn:

Google Ad Grants 101

How are other NPOs using Ad Grants?

Digital Strategy getting the most out of your grants

Eligibility requirements

How to manage your Google ad grant & how we can help

Why did The OtherHalf want to join Mintent on this webinar?

We know this is information our clients need. Two large time-consuming tasks for all non-profits and charities are grant writing and marketing. Unfortunately due to all the other important things organizations need to get done, these two priorities can often get moved to the bottom of the to-do list. We totally get that! Even for our own consulting firm, we know the value of advertising, and how hard it is to get it organized. This is advertising you don’t have to pay for, it basically does the work for you!

Why did Mintent want to join The OtherHalf on this webinar?

We love using our digital marketing superpowers to make the world a better place. We help small to mid-sized organizations, with viable businesses, whose growth is being held back by marketing and digital marketing. We pride ourselves in bringing clarity and confidence to our client’s digital strategies. Donations are the number one challenge facing every non-profit organization. Team Mintent wants to accelerate your online visibility, to gain more donations and attract more volunteers.