Is your Board the right fit to support reaching your organization’s goals? Is there a dynamic partnership with Staff? Does your Board know their governance roles and responsibilities and eagerly engage in them?
Developing a plan outlining the persona of the Board team that will enable your organization is key to a dynamic and committed Board. Understanding roles, responsibilities, outcomes and expectations for every Board member sets the organization on a path of success and strength.
How do you plan for succession? Recruitment strategies, interview and screening process for prospective Board members, succession planning – all keys to a dynamic and committed Board – is your charity setting the right path?
A Strategic Plan is an organization’s roadmap to fulfilling its mission, vision and values. It is the process of defining direction and outcomes and making decisions to secure and allocate resources to pursue the organization’s strategy. Basically, what you do, why you do it and ultimately how it will be done. It may also extend to determining tactics for guiding the implementation of the strategy.
Taking that Strategic Plan off the shelf to annually review and report on its progress is vital to informing your investors and stakeholders of successes and challenges – a living document and process to keep your organization in touch with the landscape, adaptive and responsive, but most importantly – results focused!
An ongoing task for all charities and non-profits is to secure investments to further their work. The community sector undergoes intense scrutiny and they are expected to maintain high standards of transparency and accountability. This expectation increases the administrative burden of the work they do.
How prepared is your organization to face the challenge, and to remain committed and focused on finding and obtaining the investment and resources you need?
We are experts at identifying hidden opportunities and developing a comprehensive integrated funding plan.
We’ll coach your staff, volunteers, and board to gain confidence, and authentically make the ask for investment. It’s less daunting than most realize, and we can help you build the plan.
What’s your story?
Every non-profit or charity has a story to tell, and how you communicate that story is an integral step to connecting with funders, donors, brand ambassadors, community leaders, and the people you serve.
There are two fundamental ways to tell your story; qualitatively supported by your statistics, and quantitatively demonstrating your organization’s impact. A solid communications plan will strike a perfect balance between the two and will always effectively and authentically support your mission.
As communications experts, we can guide your organization through communications strategy development, brand management and awareness campaigns, internal communications, public relations, and organizational change.
Every day charities are facing the challenges of doing more with less to meet the growing demands of underfunded social and community services. Being prepared to weather the ups and downs of market conditions and community needs and interests is vital to an organization’s long-term sustainability and success. Having clearly defined and purposeful annual operating plans that build on strategy, resource development, governance and communication can make the difference.
To meet those opportunities, a key lever is for teams to utilize their strengths and creatively to find innovative solutions. Is your organization looking to establish a culture that embraces and empowers your team to intentionally lead and reach for the results that personify your strategic plan’s intended impact? Through plans, resources, coaching or interim executive staffing The OtherHalf partners with you to set the framework to excellence.