We created The OtherHalf Consultants utilizing each of our 25+ years of experience in the charitable sector to be available to this unique niche of organizations as “their other half” partners. We believe in working in a collaborative, strategic thinking process to provide the kind of advice, support and leadership they are looking for to help advance their cause and make a difference.
Our communities are better served and are healthier when the voluntary, charitable sector is healthy and able to address the many diverse challenges of our communities in meeting the needs of adults, children and families who do not have the same resources as many of us.
Achieving operational excellence or strategic long-term sustainability in any organization is difficult and challenging without the necessary and right resources to assist. As professionals with a long and successful history in the charitable sector in operational excellence and sustainability, strategic planning, resource development, governance, and communications, we had a long-time realization that many small and mid-sized charities and not-for-profits did not have the internal resources to support themselves in these same areas.
As the principal consultants of The OtherHalf, we have been grateful for the trust and confidence that our clients to date have extended to us in helping them reach their goals and be successful in executing their mission, vision and values.
Our Team
With over 40 years of experience as a senior level leader at the local and national level, Tom brings proven experience to the not for profit and charitable sector. His career has included being the CEO of the Owen Sound YMCA, CEO of the YMCA of Greater Halifax, a Senior Vice-President in the YMCA of Greater Toronto, and Sr. Vice-President of Association Support & Development at YMCA Canada before retiring.
Prior to YMCA Canada he was the CEO of four YMCAs in Central Ontario, leading those Associations through an amalgamation into the current YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, including more than $50 million of capital development supported by a $10 million capital campaign resulting in a membership base of 26,000 members and serving over 90,000 people across a diversity of urban/rural communities in Central Ontario.
During his career Tom has assisted or led many YMCAs through turnaround situations and into new growth periods including support and leadership to developing several successful municipal partnerships, as well as leadership to mergers and amalgamations resulting in stronger, healthier Associations. In addition, he has given leadership to developing various YMCA international partnerships.
Tom has a B.Sc. from York University and did graduate studies at University of Waterloo in Recreation Administration and Community Development. He has also completed the Advanced Management Program at McGill University and has completed the Adaptive Leadership program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
He continues to do occasional consulting with YMCAs and other charities on strategic planning, capital development and organizational development, including governance and amalgamations, as a Principal of The OtherHalf Consultants Inc.
With more than 25 years as a professional in the charitable sector, Jeanette has a unique skill set to help grow and empower organizations to reach beyond their current situation to further their impact and change lives!
Her breadth of work in supporting organizations in the charitable sector through dynamic strategic planning processes, helping charities to communicate impact and grow through transformational leadership, her track record of doing more with less enables her to be your partner in success. As a coach committed to developing people and teams, opening two state of the art YMCA facilities, building success oriented strategic plans, and exceeding operational targets, her strengths are now focused as a Principal of The OtherHalf Consultants Inc.
Her background includes completing the Recreation and Business Program at Cambrian College and the Executive Development Program at McGill University, as well as other senior management/executive training programs.
Understanding the role and impact of the charitable sector on communities and how important volunteering her own leadership is, Jeanette continues to stay engaged as President of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Central Ontario Chapter and as a current Peer Reviewer/Mentor of the Standards Program of Imagine Canada.
Whether its setting a strategic plan that will change the landscape of your charity, developing a strong and engaged Board of Directors to bring that plan to life, or finding the resources to underpin the plan – she will partner with you as The OtherHalf to build your success.